Live Access files are out of sync

Live Access files are out of sync

Please use this guide only if directed to by tech support. 

Important: Please look at the bottom of your Kennel Connection Desktop software at the version. If it does not show 7.07.19 or newer, please update your Kennel Connection desktop software to solve this issue and apply past fixes to the software. Here is the update guide: Installing an update to Kennel Connection desktop

If you are up to date, please proceed:

If we have advised you that your Live Access files might be out of sync due to a past issue with the file syncing system, please  do the following.

Check to ensure your syncing service (KC Service Monitor) is running.

On your keyboard press windows key + S and type in services. Chose the services option shown in search results.

Press the letter K on your keyboard to jump to the K section. Look for KC Service Monitor and look under the status column. If it shows "Running" proceed to the next section below. If it does not show Running, right click KC Service Monitor and choose Start. If it properly starts, it will now show that the status is Running. 

If it was stopped and now you have started it, please wait 15 min to see if your files have synced and your issue is resolved. A quick way to see if files have synchronized is by using File Explorer to navigate to C:\KC7\LiveAccess. Click the "modified" column header to sort by modified date and you should see a group of recent files. (Note that this screen shot may not accurately reflect the corrected modified date depending on when you are viewing this article.)

Downloading the config file (If your KC Service Monitor service was already running or did not help)

If the above services steps did not help, please download the attached file (located at bottom of this article) and copy/paste it into the following folder:


You can access the above path using File Explorer (manila folder usually on task bar.)

Once you have added this file, you can either wait 15 min for the files to sync OR on the computer this same computer that hosts Live Access, open KC Desktop and go to Utilities, Live Access and click the download updates button. A command window will open and download any files (If updated files are available) and it will show you either an error if failure, a number of files that were successfully downloaded OR if no files were available to download, it will show that as well.

Once the new files have downloaded, please check Live Access to see if your issue still exists. 

(Note if you had your browser open, please close it and log back in. If still seeing an issue, press CTRL + F5 on your keyboard to hard refresh your browser.) 

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