Live Access Dashboard overview including tips & tricks

Live Access Dashboard overview including tips & tricks

Live Access Dashboard Overview


The Dashboard is your home screen and quick “go to” for an overview of the day. This screen has three tabs.

  • Awaiting Arrival = pets that have not yet checked in
  • Checked-In = pets that have checked in
  • Checked-Out = pets that have checked out


The Dashboard shows all modules but can also be sorted by each different module.




 Boarding only:


Grooming only:


Daycare only:

You’ll notice the icons on the dashboard and schedules. These are icons you can hover your mouse over or tap on (mobile devices) to get more info. Train all users to always observe and review these warnings.

This icon is Client Warning. If there is a warning on the client card, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is Pet Warning. If there is a warning on the pet card, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text.  


This icon is Client Notes. If there are client notes on the client card, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is Pet Notes. If there are pet notes on the pet card, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is appointment instructions. If there are instructions on the appointment such as a “departure service” or “groom instructions” or similar, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is for missing vaccinations. If there are required vaccines that a pet is missing, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is for Mobile Grooming. If there are mobile groom appointments, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is for Board Warning. If there is a board warning entered for this pet, this will show.     Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is for Groom Warning. If there is a groom warning entered for this pet, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text. 

This icon is for Daycare Warning. If there is a daycare warning entered for this pet, this will show. Hover or tap to see the text.

!TIP! Clicking the globe icon on the dashboard will reveal all the OLR details!

The Dashboard and schedules have a wonderful search utility. This search can filter the dashboard or schedules by any text you see on the dashboards and schedules. Here are some examples:


I want to see all groom appointments only, I type “groom” into the search bar. I can now see only grooms. 

You can do this for each module. 


Here I want to locate pet Fluffy Jones on the dashboard so I type “Fluffy Jones”


Here I want to see all my 10:00 AM appointments so I type "10:00"


Here I want to see all the Nail appointments for today so I type in "nails"


There are other searches you can do but the rule of thumb is, if you can see the text on the screen, you can search it. 


TIP! This search also includes notes and warnings. You can search using text that might be in a warning or notes. For example if you’re curious if you have any dogs or cats coming in that bite or are aggressive and you may have used those words in the notes or warnings, you can search for “bites” or “aggressive” or whatever it may be and If there are pets on that schedule that have any of those words in their notes or warnings, they will show on the screen. 


Navigating different dates on the dashboard is simple. On a desktop browser simply click the left or right arrows to go previous or next day. Click the Home button to return to today’s date and the refresh button to refresh the screen. Alternatively if you want to choose a specific date, click the calendar icon at the top. On mobile devices, you can swipe left/previous or swipe right/next day. 



 TIP! You can click the hamburger menu icon above the left hand menu to hide it allowing your dashboard or schedule to expand to full screen.


The dashboard has a quick menu option. This is a series of three (3) dots (…) and can be found to the far right of the screen in line with each appointment. Options in this menu will differ based on the module the appointment is booked for (board, groom, daycare) and so on.

TIP! Did you know that you can right mouse click on any links and choose “open in new tab” if you would like to keep your main screen on your dashboard or schedule?  Note that this won’t work on actions that are NOT new screens like “check-in or check-out” and similar. 

TIP! Did you know that you can press F11 on your keyboard to make your browser full screen? To exit, simply press F11 again. 


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