Live Access - Refunds/Returns and Voids

Live Access - Refunds/Returns and Voids


Voids are done on credit card transactions that have not batched out yet.
Say you ran a credit card today and either it was on the wrong client, or the client didn't want to use that card or for any reason you want to get rid of it, you will Void the transaction.

Click on Financials, View Receipts.
Find the transaction, click the arrow and choose Undo/Void.

It will then show the Undo/Void screen.
If will show the amount and card that will be voided.
You are required to void the entire amount.
Hit Submit

Kennel Connection will delete the receipt for this transaction.  It will take you back to the invoice and this amount will now be due again.  You can either take payment now or Save if it will be paid later.


Refunds can be done on cash/check payments or for credit card transactions that have already batched out.

Click on Financials, View Invoices.
Find the invoice, click on the arrow and choose Refund/Returns.

This will open the return invoice, showing all of the items on the original invoice.
Click on the QTY field and choose how many of the item you will be returning.
You cannot go over the original Qty.  So, if it was 5 days of boarding, you cannot give back more than 5 days but can give any number 5 or under.

You can give back a partial amount.  
You cannot go over the original purchase price, but you can give any amount equal to or lesser than.  In this example, we had an original charge of $47.21 and are giving back $36.

You can take off the tax amount if desired.

There are two options for refunds.  
Apply as Future Credit - This puts the amount on the client card as a credit and he can use it to pay any future invoice.
Issue Refund - Gives the money back to the client.

The refund screen will show the transaction(s) associated with this invoice.  For example, if this invoice was paid partially with cash and partially with a card, both would show in the 'Choose Transaction' drop down and you choose the correct one.
You are able to refund the tip amount.
When ready, click Submit.
Please note:  Credit card transactions automatically go back to the original card.

This will now create a return invoice and return receipt and be recorded properly on revenue reports.

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