You can print a kennel card for Boarding pets that will list the pet and owner info, vaccine info, feeding/medication/exercise info, and a pet photo, if you have these options enabled.
Kennel cards come in three sizes: 8.5x11, 4x6 and 3x5.
Click on File, System Options, Boarding tab, Board Settings tab.
Check the boxes for the info you want to print on the kennel card.
On the Options tab, check the box if you want to include the pet's photo.
Check if you want to turn on 'Prompt for contract/kennel card at checkin'.
You can also choose how many cards print per page if you decide to print the 4x6 or 3x5 cards.
To print the card, when you check the pet in, it will show a prompt to print the kennel card/contract if you have that turned on.
You can also right click on the appointment and choose Kennel Card, or you can click on Reports, Boarding, Kennel card.
Choose what size and if you want just this pet (Selected Only), Incoming or Outgoing pets.
8.5x11 card:
4x6 card:
3x5 card: