Incorrect number of daycare appointments created if using Set to daycare through the boarding appointment screen

Incorrect number of daycare appointments created if using Set to daycare through the boarding appointment screen

If you have a boarding pet that you only want to set to one day of daycare during his stay, but notice KC is creating 2 or more appointments, check the length of the appointment.  If you choose Monday only, but the pet is there for three weeks, KC will create a daycare appointment for every Monday during that date range.  For those boarding appointments over one week that only need one day of daycare, you will need to create a separate daycare appointment through the Daycare schedule.

For example, our pet is staying from October 12th to October 20th.  If this pet is Set to Daycare for Monday, KC will create daycare appointments for 10/15, 10/22 and 10/29.

Incorrect number of DC appointments

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