How to set access restrictions for your Live Access users

How to set access restrictions for your Live Access users

In some cases you may want to set access restrictions for your employees so maybe they cannot login during certain times or cannot login from certain IP addresses and what not. Simply click on User Management on the left hand menu and choose Access Restrictions. You'll see a screen like this:

First section is Access Times. 

Here, you can set specific times where your employees can access Live Access. Outside of these set times, they will not be able to login. 

Note that you have two options. Employee and Manager. This allows you to set two different time blocks in case you have employees set as managers that may need more access than employees do. If you're unsure what the difference is between employee and manager, click this link: What do the employee options like Manager and Employee mean?

The next section is IP Whitelist. 

An IP is an internet address that's unique to each internet access point. For example, if you have an internet connection at your business, all computers attached to that will have the same IP address. Whitelisting allows you to restrict access to Live Access only from internet addresses associated with your business. If you check the box below, only IP addresses you specifically whitelist will be allowed to visit Live Access pages. 

Note: to make this process easier for dynamic IPs, we automatically allow access from the IP of the computer  and computers on the same network that has Kennel Connection installed. All the IPs you login from as an admin will also be automatically allowed and you don't need to manually add them to the whitelist. In addition, you can add IPs to the whitelist below:

Note the screen shot above. I have two manager employees that I want to be able to login from their home. I added both of their public IP addresses to this white list and they can login from home while anyone at a different address other than these two and the shop, cannot. 

If you will be using these IP whitelist restrictions, you'll need to obtain the public IP address of the users home networks to add to the whitelist. To do this, have them (when they are on their home computer) go to and it will show them their public IP address. Have them copy it down and send to you so you can add to the list.

Example from . The IPv4 is the IP address you'll need to add to the whitelist. 

If you need to obtain the public IP address from a 4g or 5g device, please click here: How to Obtain Your Public IP Address From a Phone or Tablet on Cellular Networks

***As an owner or manager, you have an admin account. This was the account you created when you first setup Live Access. It will be a full email address and the password you chose. This user account is always allowed to login from any location/address.

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