How to add a New Service

How to add a New Service

Adding a New Service


  • Any service you enter above the a-la-carte will be able to book on its own.  This will also be able to be picked as an add-on so no need to add to a-la-carte. 

  • Opening and saving this area will take a few mins to think as it holds a lot of information.

  • For pricing- the top price slot will be the default price if you put a bottom price it will be the max amount you will be able to adjust the invoice, you can leave the bottom price empty if you wish

1). Administration > Services > click open the box to enter in the service name you want to be printed on the receipt > enter in the price > You can enter in the time it will take to complete the service and it will make that time unavailable to book.

  • when you are completely done adding service hit save at the bottom of the screen

2) Administration > service configuration and check the service as an independent (this means you do not have to pick an employee to deliver this service at the time of booking. It will default to the general employee)  If you need to pick an employee at the time of booking then follow step 5.

3) Administration > service resource > open the room you would like the service in (grooming) and then drag and drop the service in the room.

4) employee specific (if you want to choose an employee to deliver the service at the time of booking) - Employee > choose your employee name > click the button add/remove service > click the service you made employee specific in service configuration and then hit save.

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