OLR Notices Setup

Hello-Groom OLR Notices Setup

*Note that screenshots may depict other modules besides Grooming. With Hello-Groom, you'll only see the Grooming module. Please contact Sales@KennelConnection.com if you wish to move to Kennel Connection software for more modules. 

OLR Notices setup

You are able to add a message or notice for each module and can require that your clients click a box that they've read the message and accept it before they continue with the appointment.  It can be any important information that you would like to convey to your clients, for example, required vaccinations, holiday hours, and so on.

Click on OLR Settings.  Under each module tab, click on Customize Pages.

In the Notice section you can input your own header and notice text.  You can also click the box to require that your client check the box before they can continue with the appointment.  

You can also change the color of the text by clicking on the palette icon.  Click on Save Settings when done.

You also need to click on Pages to Display and check the box for Notices.  Click Save Settings when done.

When your clients click to make an appointment, this will be the first screen they see and they'll need to click the box if you have required that before they can continue with the appointment.

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