You have the option to Charge by Day or Charge by Service for Feedings, Medications and Exercises.
If you have it set to Charge by Day, then no matter how many times a pet gets the service during the day, Kennel Connection will only charge once.
If you have it set to Charge by Service, then KC will charge for each time the pet gets the service. If the pet gets the service Morning, Afternoon and Evening, KC wil charge three times per day.
In our example, we have Cuddle time all day set to Charge by day.
Walk 15 mins is set to Charge by service.
Our pet has a boarding appointment for 3 days. He gets each exercise Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
On the invoice, he is charged for 3 Cuddle time all day - 1 each day.
He is charged for 9 Walk 15 mins - 3 services x 3 days = 9 walks.