Expired vaccinations

Expired vaccinations

You are able to print a report for pets with expired vaccinations and send an email.

Click on Reports, Lists, Expired vaccinations.

All - This will give you a list of all pets in the database with a vaccine expired/expiring during the specified date range.  

For example, if I put 10/01/2020 to 12/31/2020, it will tell me all pets in my database that have a vaccine expired or expiring during 10/01/2020 to 12/31/2020.

Pets with appointments - This will give you a list of pets who have appointments scheduled during the specified date range that have vaccines expired at any time.

For example, if I put in 10/01/2020 to 12/31/2020, it look at my list of appointments and any pet who has an appointment during 10/01/2020 to 12/31/2020 will be listed if they have expired/expiring vaccinations.  

Fluffy has vaccines that are expiring in October and has an appointment in November and will be on the list.  

Max has vaccines are expired in 2019 and has an appointment in December and will be on the list.

List clients without email addresses - The list will print according to All or Pets with appointments and will only include clients who have no email address on file.

Email - This option will send an email to your clients according to All or Pets with appointments.

You will need to add your email settings in order for this feature to work.  Click here for instructions.

None - The list will print according to All or Pets with appointments and include all clients, those with and without email addresses.

You are able to add your own wording to the expired vaccination email in File, Lists, Business info, Email tab, Special Email tab, Vaccination Expiration tab.

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