Credit Card Processing Troubleshooting Guide (Tenerum)

Credit Card Processing Troubleshooting Guide (Tenerum)

If you are unable to process credit cards and you're using Tenerum, please complete the steps in this guide to attempt to resolve the issue. 

Section 1: Error: Cannot find API
Section 2: Error: 9999 Validation error upon request
Section 3: Error: 5008 Terminal not active
Section 4: Solving general CC terminal device issues

Cannot find API
*Tenerum processing only. 

If you are processing using the Tenerum integration with Kennel Connection and you encounter an error when running a transaction that states: 

Unhandled exception has occurred - cannot find API"

This means that the computer you're running the transaction on has no connection to the Internet. The request to process the card and connect with the Tenerum gateway is not able to get out of this computer or through your routers gateway. Verify this by opening a web browser and going to a website. Try to choose a website you don't normally visit as sometimes even without Internet connection, a commonly visited website can load based on cached files. ( or  or are some you can try. Please restore Internet connection to that machine and try processing again. 

If you have verified that your machine has a valid Internet connection and you've been able to navigate to and load multiple websites without issue, you may have an issue with a firewall software or anti-virus software blocking the outbound connection of Kennel Connection to the Internet. There are no ports that need to be open for Kennel Connection. Simply adding the software's executable file to the list of firewall or anti-virus exceptions should do the trick. This file is called kc7.exe and can be located in C:\KC7. 

Error 9999 Validation error upon request

If you ever encounter a validation error like shown here: 

It could mean that you have not selected your Tenerum device in system options/local OR it's been cleared out. 

Please navigate in Kennel Connection to File, System Options, Local tab. 

At the bottom, please make sure your Tenerum device for this machine is selected. 

Choose your device and click OK to save. Please try again. 

NOTE: If this is your first time using Tenerum or you have added a new Chip reader device, please go to File, Lists, Tenerum Devices and add your device there. See this article for initial setup help: Installing and configuring your chip reader for integrated CC processing

If none of the above helps and you're attempting to use a stored CC to process a transaction, you may need to go into the client card, financial tab, credit cards and clear out that CC/token. Then generate a new token for that card. 

CC processing error 5008 Terminal not active

Tenerum Processing only. 

If you're using integrated CC processing with Kennel Connection and you receive a 5008: Terminal not active error when trying to process payment ore retrieve stored CC data, it means your device ID is incorrect or a recent change did not take effect. 

Important: Make sure your Internet connection is working properly as without Internet connection, no transactions will run. 

Option 1. Power cycle your device.

    1. unplug the power cord (AC adapter)

    2. while power is still unplugged, unplug the Ethernet Cable (Internet cable) from the CC device.

    3. Wait 30 seconds. 

    4. plug the Ethernet cable (Internet cable) back in only. 

    5. Wait 30 seconds. 

    6. Plug the power cable (AC adapter) back in and let it boot back up until it shows "Ready". 

Power cycle has finished. Please try processing another card. 

If still failing with same error, proceed to Option 2 below. 


Option 2. Re-add the device. 

Enter the device ID of the chip reader in question. (NOTE: If you have only ONE device, the ID should always be 2. If you have more than one device they should always start at #2 and go up from there.)

Go in KC to File, Lists, Tenerum devices. 

Choose "new device"

Enter your device ID and create a friendly name so you'll know which device this is. Click Save. (Delete the old non-working device so you don't have multiple of the same.)

Now you must choose this device for KC (On this computer) to access. Close out of File, Lists and open File, System Options. Go to the "Local" tab. Locate the "Credit Card Device" drop down and choose the appropriate device for this computer. Then click Apply and OK. 

Now when you process from this machine, the device should light up and you should not receive any further error.

Solving General CC Terminal Device Issues

If you're experiencing any issues with the chip reader such as error messages on the device screen or inside Kennel Connection, slow processing or similar, you'll want to do the following: 

1. Verify your Internet access is still available from your facility. Try accessing or any other web page from a web browser on a computer in your network. If success, proceed to next step. If no Internet connection, please contact your Internet service provider. 

2. If you have stable Internet connection and still experiencing issues with your device/processing, please power cycle your chip readers. 

Power cycle your device.

    1. unplug the power cord (AC adapter)

    2. while power is still unplugged, unplug the Ethernet Cable (Internet cable) from the CC device.

    3. Wait 30 seconds. 

    4. plug the Ethernet cable (Internet cable) back in only. 

    5. Wait 30 seconds. 

    6. Plug the power cable (AC adapter) back in and let it boot back up until it shows "Ready". 

Power cycle has finished. Please try processing another card. 

3. If any of the above does not help, you may want to try power cycling your network equipment. This includes Modems, routers and switches. Normally it's best practice to unplug both modem and router if they are separate for 30 seconds. Then plug the modem back in first until all necessary lights are back on and flashing. Once modem is powered back on and connected, plug back in your router and allow some time for it to come back online with all necessary lights on and flashing. If you have a network switch that you unplugged, you can plug that in after everything else is back online. 

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    After-Hours Emergency Support
    For use ONLY outside of business hours. (Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm ET). 

    To avoid any delay, be sure to search this knowledgebase for your issue prior to submitting a ticket. Most answers can be found here.

    If you're issue does NOT consist of one of the following, please email with your issue to create a ticket and someone will get back to you on the next business day. 

    - Kennel Connection Desktop - Will not open on any machine including server. 
    - KC-Cloud - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - KC Online Reservations - Clients are getting an error upon login or cannot book ANY reservations.
    - Hello-Groom - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - Credit Card Processing - Cannot take payments at all from any method.
    - PawLoyalty - Cannot login/spinning or extreme latency and you've verified you have Internet.

    *Utilizing the emergency support for non-emergencies will not receive a call back.
    *Users without a valid subscription will not receive a call back and will need to speak with a sales representative on the next business day.