Completing a refund on credits/deposits with CC processing

Completing a refund on a credit/deposit with CC processing

*Tenerum CC  processing. 

There may be times where you need to refund a deposit/credit that was paid via CC. Here are the steps: 

In the top menu of Kennel Connection, click accounting and choose receipts. 

Locate the pre-payment/credit in the receipt list that you want to refund and click it once so it's selected. Then click the modify button. 

In the modify receipt window, verify all information and choose the refund button. 

You will see a message pop up asking you if you're sure you want to refund the deposit. Once you click YES, the CC device will light up and require a card to be inserted. Insert or have customer insert the card and follow device prompts. 

Refunded deposit tickets will show the refund as -dollar amount in red font. 

Click OK to close the ticket. Refund is complete. 

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