Cloud - Grooming packages

Cloud - Grooming packages

You can create Grooming packages and Kennel Connection will count them down.  You can create a package for Groom, Nails, Bath, Other Groom.  For this article, we will create a Nail Trim package.

Click on Setup, Packages, Grooming packages.
Click on Add New Item.
Click the Select button.
Click the System option and choose Nail Trim from the menu.
Enter the package code and name (these can be the same), the cost and number of services in this package.  Hit Save when done.

You can sell a package to the client card or pet card.  When you sell it on the client card, it covers any pet that client has.  When you sell it on the pet record, it covers only that pet.

The way Kennel Connection works is this:  When it's time to take a service off the package, it looks first at the pet's card.  If there is a package there with a service available, it will be deducted here.  If there is no service available on the pet card, it next looks at the client card.  If there is a service available, it will be deducted here.  If there is no service available on the client card, the pet will be charged on the invoice.

Selling a grooming package

Open the client card, click on Packages tab.

Open the pet card, click on Packages tab.

Click the Add Packages button.

Choose the correct package and hit Next.

This will open the invoice screen.  You can either pay now or hit Save to pay later.

This package will now show on the pet card.

Please note:  

You cannot sell a client and pet package on the same invoice.  An invoice will be created for the pet package and a separate invoice will be created for the client package.  However, you can pay both invoices at the same time.

You cannot add other items to this invoice besides packages.  However, if you hit OK and save the invoice, you are able to reopen it and add other items.

Expiration dates on packages

You have the option to add an expiration date to any package.  Once the package hits that date, it is no longer valid.  Even if there are services still available, Kennel Connection will not apply them to invoices because the package is expired.

You can adjust the expiration date by hitting the Modify button and adjusting the date.

Using grooming packages

Now you are ready to make an appointment and use the package.

Say you have three pets and they all received a nail trim. 
Lefty has no nail packages
Paulie has no nail packages
Lucky has 2 nail packages.
The owner Lane has 10 nail package.

On the invoice Lefty and Paulie will use a client package day (Lane now has 8 nail packages) and Lucky will use one of his pet nail packages (he now has 1 nail package left).

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