Cloud - Groom price by breed or weight class

Cloud - Groom price by breed or weight class

You have the option to charge grooming services by breed or weight class.

Click on File, Lists, Breeds and enter prices here if you'd like to charge by breed. 
Click on each breed and enter a bath, groom, nails and othergroom rate.  Click Save after each one.
The system will default to charging by breed unless you enable to Charge by Weight Class.

To charge by weight class click on File, System Options, Grooming tab.

Check the box for 'Charge by weight'.

Click on Setup, Lists, Weight Classes.

Under each weight class, check the box if you want it to be charged by pet weight.  Enter a price.  Hit Save after each one.

Kennel Connection will charge in the following order.  It will check each step until it finds a price.

Default groom rates on pet card
Rates on Weight Classes tab
Rates in Breeds list
Rates in Inventory

Example 1:  Our pet Vinnie has default groom rates on his pet card.

KC checks the pet card first and will charge these default rates.

Example 2:  Our pet Bear is 55 lbs.  KC first checks Bear card but there are no default groom rates.  It next checks Weight Classes and will use the rates for BGNO.

Example 3:  Our pet Sugar is 90lbs German Shepherd.

KC checks her pet card but there are no default rates.  It next checks Weight Classes and finds a rate for BGN. 

There is no rate for Other so the next place it checks is the Breeds list.  There is no rate for Others.

It next looks at Inventory and will use the price for Others.

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