The Discount screen allows you to add discounts for new clients, complete bill discounts, or module specific discounts.
Click on Setup, Discounts and Loyalty, Discount.

Enable new client discount - This will be automatically applied to the first invoice created for that client. You can opt to remove it if needed.
Boarding - Long term discounts allows you to give your client a percentage or dollar amount off their boarding charge after X number of days.
Please note: Only one discount will apply. For this example below, if the pet stays 20 days, it will only apply the 14 day discount. It will not apply the 5 and 14 days.
On the invoice, the new client discount populates here. Click in the drop down and choose the blank space to remove it.
Long Term discount - In this example, the board rate of the appointment is $26 and it is applying a 20% discount for stays over 21 days.
Complete Bill
These discounts are applied to every item on an invoice. You can have as many of these discounts as you would like. Some examples are military discounts, senior discounts, employee discounts, and so on.
Hit New Item. Enter the discount name, $ or %, amount, check the Active box and add an expiration date if needed. Hit Save when done.

Complete bill discounts are chosen from the drop down menu on the invoice.

You can print a report for Complete Bill discounts at Reports, Revenue, Invoice Discount report.

Boarding, Grooming, Daycare
Here you can setup a discount for each module. This is based on the number of appointments. The discount is applied automatically but you are able to edit the amount on the invoice.
Hit New. Enter the level name, check the Active box, enter how many visits, choose $ or % and enter the rate. Hit Save when done.
After X visits is when you want the discount to apply. If you put after 10 visits, the discount will be applied to the 11th invoice with boarding.

Please note: If you notice every pet is being discounted, check if you have it set for every 0 visits. This will discount every invoice for every pet. You'll need to delete the discount or adjust the number of visits.
In this example, the pet's boarding rate is $26 and the $10 discount applied.