Cloud - Daycare packages

Cloud - Daycare packages

You can sell daycare packages to both the clients and his pets.  You are able to setup full and half day packages.

Step 1:  Set your parameters.

Click on Setup, System Options, Daycare tab.

If you are going to use half day packages, check the box for 'Enable half day packages'.

If you want to allow the package to go negative, check the box for 'Allow negative values for package days'.  Packages will not go negative if you use expiration dates.  You must choose one or the other.

Adjust in/out time on pet check in/out must be checked so it has an accurate count of how long the pet's appointment was for.

If you only going to use Full day packages, set it to Decrement package at check in.  This means a day is deducted from the package as soon as you check him in.

If you are going to use both Full day and Half day packages, it must be set to Decrement package at Checkout.

Half day definition - This field is enabled if you have packages set to decrement at checkout.  You must set either a number of hours or a checkout time.  This is a set time.  If you put 4 hours, then 4 hours and 1 minute is a full day.  Adjust this if you'd like to give your clients extra time.

Apply full days when there are no half days - This means if a client only had 3 full days and the pet came for a half day, this setting lets KC take the half day package off the client's full days.  So his package will go from 3 to 2.5.

It does not work in the reverse.  KC will not take two half days to make up for a full day.

Allow negative values - When you check the the pet in/out, you will get a popup asking if you want the package to go negative.  If you hit Yes, it will count down on the schedule. 

If you hit No, you need to create an invoice because this pet now owes you for the daycare stay.  If you do not create an invoice, you are creating Uninvoiced Bookings.  These are appointments that you checked the pet in/out for but you never got payment, either by a day coming off the package or creating an invoice. 

You can check your database for uninvoiced bookings by clicking on Reports, Revenue, Uninvoiced Bookings.

Daycare packages

The Daycare schedule will show a Pet Left and Client Left column.  To enable these, click the gear.

Click the boxes for Pet Left and Client Left.  Use the arrows to move them to the desired column.

On the schedule now there will be a Pet Left and Client Left columns.

If you use full and half days, there will a number for the full days and then a number for the half days.

For Bobo Fisher:
Bobo (the pet) has 9.5 full package days and 7 half pet package days.
Matt Fisher (the owner) has 4.5 full package days and 3 half pet package days.

Step 2:  Setup Daycare packages.

Click on Setup, Packages, Daycare packages tab.

Enter the code (choose a code that you will recognize when choosing it on an invoice), name, cost, number of days.

If this is a half day package (this box will only be visible if you have 'Enable half day packages' turned on in System Options).

Enter an expiration date if desired.  If you enter an expiration date, once the package hits that date, it is no longer valid even if it still has days available.  Hit Save when done. 

If you use expiration dates, the package will not go negative (if you have that enabled).  You must use one or the other.    

Important:  There is no option to have packages work in specific scenarios.  In other words, you cannot setup a package for December and have KC only use that package for December appointments.  When it's time to take a day off the package, KC will use the first package it finds.

Packages that you enter through this screen are also added to your Inventory, where you can adjust the commission-able status and tax rate if needed. 

IMPORTANT:  You must setup packages in Setup, Packages, Daycare Packages.  This is where KC pulls the package information and the only way it will work properly.  If you enter packages into Inventory, the Daycare Package feature will NOT work.

Step 3:  Sell a package to a client or pet.

If you have security enabled in KC, you will need to give your employees access rights to adjust packages. 

This includes being able to add, modify, delete or reload a package.

Click on Setup, Employees, Access Rights.

Click on each employee, check the boxes for 'Adjust client package days' and 'Adjust pet package days'.  Hit Save when done.  Do this for each employee as needed.

IMPORTANT:  Packages must be sold in 1 of 3 places in order for the packages to count down:  On the client card, on the pet card, or through the Daycare appointment screen.  Packages sold in any other manner/screen will NOT count down.

Client packages

When you sell a package to the client card, the package will cover all pets that client has.  If they bring in 5 pets for daycare, 5 days will come off the package.

Open the client card, Packages tab.

Hit Add Packages.  A screen will appear with all package options in your database.  Choose the correct one and hit Next.

This will take you to the invoice screen.  You can either take payment now or hit OK to save the invoice for payment later.  After you save the invoice, the packages will appear on the client card.

If you need to modify the number of package days or add an expiration date, click on the package to choose it and hit the Modify (pencil) button.

Please note:  You cannot modify a package to have more days than was originally purchased.  So you cannot modify a 10 day package to have more than 10 days.

If you need to delete a package, click on the package to choose it and hit the Delete (trash can) button.

The Reload (arrows) button is used to reload the same package.  It can also be used if you allow negative values.  If your client has a package with -2 days on what was originally a 10 day package, when you Reload the package, it will update the count to 8 (10 days minus the 2 days he/she owes you.)

Click the package you want and hit Reload.  A popup will ask if you want to reload the package.

The invoice will appear with that package already loaded.  You cannot modify or add other packages to the reload invoice.

Pet packages

Pet Packages cover only that pet.  If a client has two pets, Jasper and Rover and you sell a package to Jasper, it will not count down for Rover and you need to create an invoice.

Open the pet card and click on the Packages tab.

Follow the same steps as listed under Client Packages to add/modify/delete/reload a pet package.

Step 4:  Sell a package through the daycare appointment screen.

On the appointment screen, on the left side of the screen, is the client package section.  You can click on Purchase and sell a package for the client.  In the example below, it is circled in red.  It will also display if this client already has package days.  This client has 10 full days and no half days.

On the right side of the screen is the pet package section.  If this is a multipet appointment, you click on each pet to see their individual counts.  You can also click the Purchase button here to add another package for this specific pet (Bella).  It will also list if this pet has packages.  In this example, Bella is circled in yellow.  She has no full or half day packages.

I can click on Cutie and see that he has 8.5 full days and 5 half days, circled in orange.  If I click Purchase here, I am adding a package for Cutie.

The daycare schedule has columns for Pet Left and Client Left columns.  This tells you how many package days the pet and client have.  

Please note:  The Client Left column will show the same number of packages days available for each pet.

If you use full and half days, there will a number for the full days and then a number for the half days.

For the Fisher pets:
Bobo (the pet) has 9.5 full package days and 7 half pet package days.
Cat 1 has no packages
Petey has no full days and 5 half days.
Matt Fisher (the owner) has 4.5 full package days and 3 half pet package days.

Step 5:  Options for using package days.

The daycare appointment screen gives you the option to not use a daycare package day for this visit.  Maybe your facility does not charge for daycare stays for Boarding pets.  You can uncheck that box on the appointment screen.  You can opt not to use a package day or charge for this day by unchecking 'Use package day' and checking 'Do not charge for this visit'.

You can also setup specific daycare rooms or types to have these boxes set automatically for any appointment put in that room/type in File, Lists, Daycare Rooms/Types.

Step 6:  Decrement the daycare package

When it comes time to take a day off the package, KC always looks at the pet card first.  If there is a package day there, it will decrement the pet package.  If there is no package day available it will next look at the client card.  If there is a package there, it will decrement the client package.  It will always deduct one day per pet, no matter if it's a client package or a pet package.  KC will decrement the package correctly whether you use client packages, pet packages, or both.

Half day stay

Bobo has 7 half days.  He will use one of this package days.
Petey has 5 half days.  He will use one of his package days.
Matt the owner has 3 half days.
Cat 1 and Sandy have no half days.  They will each use one of Matt's package days.

Upon checkout, Bobo will have 6 half days left.
Petey will have 4 half days left.
Matt will have 1 half day left.

Full day stay

Barbara (the client has 10 full days).
Bobo has 5 full days and 5 half days.  He will use one of his full package days.
Charlie has 10 half days.  Half day packages cannot be used to cover a full day package.  He will use one of Barbara's packages.
Gambler has 1 full day.  He will use his package day.
Tigger has no package days.  He will use one of Barbara's packages.

Upon checkout, Bobo will have 4 full days left.
Gambler will have 0 full days left.
Barbara will have 8 full days left.

Use full days when there are no half days

With this option set, KC will take half of a day from the full day package.
In this example, Yodel has 10 full days.

Upon checkout for a half day, his package will go from 10 to 9.5.

Step 7:  Daycare package reports.

You can track package expiration dates, how many package days are left and when a pet or client uses a package.  If you leave the daycare schedule open, it will only be pets/client on the schedule for today.  If you leave the daycare schedule closed, it will be all pets/clients in your database.

Daycare, Reports, Daycare Days Used Listing tells you which pets/client have used a package day for a specified date range.  

Daycare packages

Daycare, Reports, Daycare Client Package Expiration tells you which client packages are expiring during a specified date range.

Daycare packages

Daycare, Reports, Daycare Package Days Left tells you how many full or half package days a client or pet has left.

Daycare packages

Daycare, Reports, Daycare Pet Package Expiration tells you which pet packages are expiring during a specified date range.

Daycare packages

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