

The Calendar gives you an overview of appointments for the month for all modules.  You can add/modify/delete appointments here, check them in/out, Add Belongings and so on.  It also color codes the appointments to give you more information.

Click on Schedule, Calendar.

It will have tabs for each module in your database so you can click on Daycare or Grooming, for example.
You can also scroll through the months quickly.   On the mini calendar on the left, hold your mouse over May in this screenshot and use the wheel of your mouse to quickly get to December.

Right click on the appointment to get to the menu.  Here you can modify the appointment, check the pet in/out, add belongings, open the client/pet and so on.

For Grooming, Petsitting, Training and Special Services you are able to display the calendar only for a specific employee.

You can mark days as closed, holiday, vacation and so on.  You can setup extra charges for peak seasons, holidays and days of the week.  This link will give the steps.

Each module also has a color key to explain what some of the colors mean.

For example, in boarding, we have these colors.  You can see for example that Aunty is a resident train appointment.
Achoo has been checked in.
Pepe has been checked out.
Cutie has been checked in and is marked for pickup and delivery.
The red color is for runs assigned to that appointment.  It checks the first day of the appointment and sees if it matches the last day of the appointment.  If it does, then it shows this red color.

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    If you're issue does NOT consist of one of the following, please email with your issue to create a ticket and someone will get back to you on the next business day. 

    - Kennel Connection Desktop - Will not open on any machine including server. 
    - KC-Cloud - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - KC Online Reservations - Clients are getting an error upon login or cannot book ANY reservations.
    - Hello-Groom - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - Credit Card Processing - Cannot take payments at all from any method.
    - PawLoyalty - Cannot login/spinning or extreme latency and you've verified you have Internet.

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