Reports, Boarding, Boarding pet package expiration report will give you a list of pets who have boarding packages that expire during the specified date range.
You can create a boarding package and KC will count it down. Creating packages Click on File, Packages, Boarding Pkgs. Click on New Brd Package. Enter the code, name (this will show on the invoice), price and how many days/nights are in the package. ...
Reports, Boarding, Boarding client package expiration report gives a list of clients with boarding packages that will expire during the date range chosen.
Reports, Boarding, Boarding package days left will tell you what pets and clients have package days left. If you leave the Boarding schedule open it will print for only pets/clients on the schedule for that day. If you close the Boarding schedule it ...
You can sell daycare packages to both the clients and his pets. Depending on your settings, KC will deduct a day at check in or check out. Step 1: Set your parameters. Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab. If you only going to use Full day ...
There are several reports available to help you track package counts, when they were used and expiration dates. If you print these reports with the Daycare schedule opened, it will only print for pets on the schedule. If you print these reports with ...