Boarding packages

Boarding packages

You can create a boarding package and KC will count it down.

Creating packages

Click on File, Packages, Boarding Pkgs.

Click on New Brd Package.

Enter the code, name (this will show on the invoice), price and how many days/nights are in the package. Hit Save when done.

You can enter as many boarding packages as you want.

Boarding packages

In order for KC to count the package down, you cannot create an invoice and sell a package.  It must be sold either through the pet card, the client card, or the appointment screen.

KC has the option for pet packages and client packages.  A pet package covers only that pet.  A client package covers any pet that client has.

When it is time to take a day off the package, KC always looks at the pet card first.  If there is a package day there, it will deduct it.  If there is no day on the pet card, it next looks at the client card to see if there is a day there.

How to sell a package


Open the pet card.  Click on the Packages tab.

Hit Add.  An invoice will open.  Choose the right package from the drop down now.

You can either pay the invoice now or hit OK to save it to be paid later.

Boarding packages

Boarding packages

Please note:  Due to programming reasons, you cannot sell a pet package and client package on the same invoice.  However, you can pay both invoices at the same time.

Because KC has to attach the package to the pet and/or client card, you cannot put anything on the invoice besides packages.  However, once you hit OK to save the invoice, you can open it later and add other items.

Once you save the invoice, you will see the package on the pet card with the number of days left.

Boarding packages


Open the client card, Packages tab.

Hit Add.  Choose the right package from the drop down and either pay the invoice now or save it to be paid later.

Through the appointment screen

For single pet appointments, click Purchase pet package or Purchase client package on the General tab.

Boarding packages

For multi-pet appointments, click Purchase pet package or Purchase client package on the Multi-pets tab.

Boarding packages

Adjusting packages

There are four options on this screen.  Add, Modify, Delete, Reload

Add - Allows you to sell a package to this client or pet.

Modify - Allows you to modify the package.  You can adjust the number of days and enter an expiration date.  

Please note:  You are not able to adjust the package to more days than was in the original package.  So if your client buys a 10 day package, you will not be able to modify the package to more than 10 days.

Delete - Allows you to delete the package.

Reload - Allows you to reload the package.  This will be explained later in this article.

Boarding packages

Expiration dates on packages

You can add expiration days to the package.  Once the package hits that date, it is no longer a valid package even if there are days available.

Boarding packages

Using the boarding package

Now you are ready to make an appointment and use the package.  First, click on File, System Options, Boarding tab.  Check the boxes for 'Pet Pkg Days Left' and 'Client Pkg Days Left' so they will display on the schedule.

Boarding packages

Make a boarding appointment for the pet.  You will see his package days available on the schedule.

Please note:  If it is a client package, it will show the same number of days available for each pet. 

Boarding packages

KC always deducts one package day per pet, no matter if it is a pet package or a client package.  If a client brings 3 dogs, his client package will go from 10 to 7, one day for each pet.

In order for Boarding packages to count down, the pet must be checked out and you must create the invoice.  If you undo the checkout, the package days will not be added back to the pet/client cards.  You must delete the invoice for the days to be put back.

For our example, we have Jennifer with two pets, Sluggo and Dakota.

  • Dakota has a Boarding package on his pet card with 10 days left.
  • Suggo has no Boarding package on his pet card.
  • Jennifer has a Boarding package on her client card with 3 days left.
  • Both pets were booked for a 5 day stay.

Dakota will have 5 days deducted from his package.

Since Sluggo has no package, KC next looks at Jennifer's card.  3 days will be deducted from the package. 

Since there are no more package days available, Sluggo will be charged for 2 days on the invoice.

Boarding packages

When you look at Dakota's and Jennifer's cards, you will see their packages have been deducted to 5 and 0.

Boarding packages

Boarding packages

Allowing negative values for boarding packages

You have the option to allow the boarding package to go negative.  Instead of having to pay the invoice now, KC will deduct a day from the next package they buy.

Click on File, System Options, Boarding tab.  Check the box to 'Allow negative values for Boarding Package days'.

Boarding packages

If your pet has only 1 day left and comes for three days, when you create the invoice, KC will ask if you want to allow the package to go negative.

Boarding packages

If you hit YES to the prompt, there will be no charge for Boarding on the invoice and it will be paid with by the package.

The pet card will now show -2 for the boarding package.

Boarding packages

If you hit NO to the prompt, the invoice will show one day of boarding being covered by the package and a charge for the other two days.

Boarding packages

Reloading packages

On the packages tab of the client and pet card, there is a button called Reload.  This allows you to reload the same package.

Click on the package to highlight it.  Hit Reload.  Say YES to the prompt.

Boarding packages

An invoice will have the package already filled in.  You can either pay the invoice now or save it to pay later.

Please note:  When using the Reload option, you are not able to choose a different package on the invoice.

Boarding packages

Packages with negative values and the Reload option

When you have packages will negative values, you must use the Reload option to get rid of the negative value.

For our pet, he has a package with -2 days.  When you reload the package, KC deducts 2 days from the 5 day package and now he has 3 days left.

Boarding packages

Boarding packages

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