Boarding log

Boarding log

The boarding log gives you a report of what pets are arriving and departing for the day.  You can click the print button on the Boarding schedule or Reports, Boarding, Boarding log.

You can print the report by last name, pet name, run number, in date and out date by sorting the schedule to the desired option.

Daycare are pets who have a one day stay.

Arrivals are pets who are checking in today.

Departures are pets who are checking out today.

To get the list of every pet on the boarding schedule, click on Reports, Boarding, Occupancy, Roll Call.

You can click Check in only which will only print the list of pets already checked in.  Leaving that box unchecked will print every pet on the boarding schedule for the day.

You can print by last name, pet name, in date, out date, and run number.

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