You are able to print a list of birthday pets for a specific date range. You can also send a birthday email. In order for the pet to be pulled into the report, he must have a valid birthday on his pet card.
When you are entering a new pet, the birthdate field is blank. You are not able to type in that field when it is blank but you can just click on the calendar and choose today's date and that makes the fields live where you can click and type in them. This will save time vs. clicking the arrow buttons to get to the month and year you want.
You can print Reports, Lists, Birthday list. Choose your date range, Active or Inactive. You can choose clients without email addresses if you'd like to call those clients or mail a birthday card.
You can also choose to send a birthday email. In order to send the birthday email, you must configure KC to send emails. Click here for instructions.
You can set your own custom message in File, Business Info, Emails, Special Emails, Birthday.