You can set Kennel Connection to send automatic reminder emails for all modules except Petsitting. The automatic reminder has the same wording as the Confirmation email.
Click on File, Business Info, Email tab.
First you will need to configure KC to send emails. Click here for instructions.
Next, check the box for "Auto process appt reminder emails". Enter today's date.
Next, click on each module tab. Check the box for "Send automatic appointment reminders" and put how many days before the appointment you'd like the reminder to be sent. You can do different number of days for each module.
All pets must have Issue reminders set to YES on the module tabs of their pet card.
If you notice a large number of your pets are set to NO, there is a software patch that will mark all pets to YES so that you don't have to do it manually. Contact support at or 1-888-486-4343 x option 2.
You will need to close KC each night. In the morning when you open KC, it checks the date the reminders were last run. If it's a date prior to today, the reminders will be processed and sent.