If you do not already have SQL Management Studio installed, you'll need to install it first. Please see this guide: Downloading and Installing SSMS
If you ever have a need to use SQL Server Management Studio to attach the Kennel Connection .MDF and .LDF files, please follow the below. This type of function is normally needed if a hard drive or computer crashes and you or your technician were able to recover the database and log file from the hard drive. The files you will need are:
Kennel Connection 6.0 (No longer supported) : wkennel.mdf & wkennel_log.ldf
Kennel Connection 7.0: wkennel7.mdf & wkennel7_log.ldf
You MUST obtain both mdf and ldf files for the attach to work.
Press Windows key + S and search for SQL Server Management Studio. Select it when shown in results:
Kennel Connection 6.0 (no longer supported): wkennel.mdf & wkennel_log.ldf
Kennel Connection 7.0: wkennel7.mdf & wkennel7_log.ldf