You are able to assign specific employees to groom services for Bath, Groom, Nails and Others. You can also set the maximum number of appointments per employee.
Please note: Lite users do not have access to the Employee setup. If you would like to upgrade to the Standard version, contact Sales at or 1-888-486-4343 x option 1.
Click on File, Employees.
On the general tab, hit New.
Enter the Login ID, password, last and first name. The other information is optional.
At the bottom, check the boxes for groomer, bather, nails, other groomer as needed.
Hit Save after each employee.
To set the maximum number of services per employee, click on the Payroll Info tab and enter the max number there. Hit Save after each employee.
Next, click on File, System Options, Grooming tab.
Check the box for "Maintain max limit by groomer" then hit Save.
Now when you make an appointment for a specific employee, if the employee is over their limit, you'll get a popup warning asking if you want to book the pet anyway.