For each module Boarding, Grooming and Daycare, you can choose how you want appointment approval/confirmation emails to send.
To set this option up, login to your Live Access and go to Online Reservations and open the OLR Settings menu item.
Under each module tab at the bottom there is an "Email Settings" section. Scroll down and locate the Appointment Approval Emails. You'll have three options:
- Follow Kennel Connection desktop confirmation email settings and send from there if it's setup. This option will use your already configured KC desktop email settings and confirmation settings to send the emails. Many will have already been using this option and will want to continue with it. It will also use your email address in the email settings tab as the "From" address like you're used to. If you choose this option but do not have email setup or confirmation emails turned on in KC desktop, nothing will be sent. To learn how to use KC desktop for email and confirmation emails, see here: Configuring Kennel Connection to send emails & Confirmation emails
- Send no email. This option does exactly what it says. No email's will be sent at all for OLR confirmations.
- Send an email from Live Access with the following text. This option will use the Live Access email system to send a custom message that you can either leave as the default or customize yourself. NOTE that these emails will come from " If you want to include an email address they can reply to, you can include it in the custom message.
Please note the following in the custom message:
[[ClientName]] inputs the name of the client making the OLR
[[Module]] inputs the module name (Boarding, Grooming or Daycare)
[[PetNames]] inputs the pets names that are part of that OLR
[[AppointmentDate]] inputs the appointment dates for that OLR
If you wish to set this for each module, please repeat the steps above under each modules tab.