If you are running a multi-location database and have a KC folder for each of your locations, you must apply the new files from the update to each folder but you cannot run the installer more than once. Please follow the below steps to properly install the update to all locations.
8. Now with all files EXCEPT the 7 listed above that you just deselected, press CTRL + C to copy.
9. Close out of the C:\KC7 main install folder so you’re just looking at the root C: drive.
c. KC7-Location 3 name
11. Now inside the KC7-Location 2 folder, press CTRL + V to paste the files. Choose YES to overwrite files when prompted.
12. Once the paste has finished, close that KC7-Location 2 folder and open the next one (if you have more than 2 locations.) Repeat the CTRL + V pasting steps in each locations KC7 folder until there are no more.
Once all folders have received the new files, you’re done and can open KC back up to continue working. The copy and paste of these files ensures that all locations (who use KC out of their own folders) get the same update. Please have the locations verify by looking at the bottom right of their Kennel Connection software. The version should match across all locations. If it does not, a folder was missed. At this point you can go back to the host computer/server and repeat steps 6-9. Then open the locations folder that does not have the matching update and paste.