Hello-Groom - Adding inventory

Hello-Groom - Adding inventory

To enter inventory, first you can setup your different vendors so that you can print inventory reports filtered by the vendor.

Click on Setup, Inventory, Vendors.

Click on Add new item.

Fill out any of these fields as necessary.   Hit Save when done.  You can add unlimited vendors.

Next, you'll want to add categories.  This is used when printing the sales report so you can separate out your revenue by the category.  You can be very broad or very specific in how you track your revenue.  For example, if you sell shampoo, you can have one category called Shampoo, or you can setup a separate category for each brand of shampoo, each size of shampoo and so on.

Click on Categories.  You will have a list of categories already.  These are called system codes.  You can opt to use one of these, say Bath for your shampoos, or setup new categories to track these items.  

In our example, we're going to setup categories for each these:  Brand X shampoo 8oz bottle, Brand X shampoo 16 oz bottle, Brand y shampoo 8oz bottle, Brand y shampoo 16 oz bottle.

Click Add new item.

Enter the category and save.  You can add unlimited categories.

Now you are ready to start entering inventory items.  Click on Inventory and click Add new item.

Code - You can generate a code here or type in a name.  This is how you will find the item on the invoice (in red).
Tax - Check Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 boxes if needed (in gray).
Product or service - The item needs to be marked as a product so the system will track the on hand amount (in yellow).
Vendor - You can attach up to three vendors to this item (in orange).
Category - Choose the category to be used on the sales report (in green).
On hand - This is how many of these items you currently have in stock (in light blue).
Retail  - This is how much the client will be charged for this item (in dark blue).
Low - This is your low limit so once the item reaches this number, the item will be included on the Low report and you'll know it's time to order again (in purple).
Description - This will show on the invoice (in brown).
Commission - Set this option if your employee gets commission when selling this item (in pink)
Expiration date - Set a date here if this item expires.  Once this date passes, the item will no longer be available to choose on an invoice (in black).
Save - Be sure to save each item (in dark red).

Once you have entered your inventory items, you are able to add those to the invoice.  Click on the plus sign.

Choose the Item (code).  This will fill in the description, price and tax info.

If your employee gets commission on this item, choose their name here.  

You can change how many the client would like (QTY)

You can print Reports, Revenue, Sales report, by category to see how much revenue you earned in each category.  You can choose All categories or click Select one to choose one or more.  Summary will give a total.  Detailed will show each line item.

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