Add to waitlist option for OLR appointments

Add to Waitlist option for OLR appointments

You are able to quickly add appointments to the waitlist and are able to send out a Waitlist email.

The Waitlist is a separate schedule where you can keep these appointments but they are not on your live schedule.  You can view the Waitlist in either desktop KC or Live Access.

In desktop KC, click on Schedule, Waitlist.

In Live Access, each module has it's own waitlist on the menu.

If you do not want to use the Waitlist option, click on OLR Settings, General and check the box to disable it.  Please remember to save your settings.

This means that the Add to Waitlist button will not appear on Pending appointments.

Click on Online Reservations, OLR Settings.  For each module, click on the General tab and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

Check the box if you'd like to send out an email.  You will still be able to opt out of sending the email when adding the pet to the waitlist.

If you uncheck the box to send the email, that won't be an option on the Pending Appointments page. 

There is a default message but you are able to edit/add your own message.  Please note that any information that shows in brackets like [[ClientName]] or [[PetNames]] will automatically load that information.

Remember to scroll back up to the top of the page and click Save Settings when done.

If you'd like to send an email reminder to staff members when a pet is added to the waitlist, click on OLR Settings, General, Email Settings.  You can notify multiple email addresses if needed.  Be sure to Save your settings.

On the pending appointment you have the option to click Add to waitlist.  It will then display the options for sending or not sending the waitlist email.

If you'd like to view the appointment before adding them to the waitlist, click the Edit button.  Make sure all settings are correct.  Click the Add to Waitlist button and save the appointment.  This will also send the waitlist email to clients and staff if you have those enabled.

If you opted to send the waitlist email, your client will receive this message.

If you opted to send an email to staff when adding a pet to the waitlist, you will get this message.

Your client will be able to log into Client Portal and easily see that this appointment is waitlisted.  The entire line will be in bright yellow.

Important information:


If you require runs for your boarding appointments then the pending appointment will need to have a run assigned before you can click to add him to the waitlist.  You can default this info by turning on these options under OLR Settings, Boarding, General tab.

Scroll down to the section on Automatic run selection.

These options will let OLR put the pet into the last run that they were in, or the last run size they were in.  If both are full, the appointments goes to Pending so a staff member can choose a run.  The Add to Waitlist option only works if appointments go to Pending so this won't change how it works.

However some users do not like this option because if the last run the pet was in is not a typical run for them (for example, if they were in a different size or one at a different price than normal) and the staff member is not paying attention, this appointment will be added to that same run.

If your practice for Waitlist appointments is to always verify the run before adding them to the schedule, this will not be an issue.

But if you think there may be situations where the pet is put into the wrong kind of run, you can turn off this option.  This means that you will not be able to use the Add to Waitlist button.  You will get an error letting you know to choose a run size.  Then you can Edit the appointment, choose the run and click the Add to Waitlist checkbox and Save the appointment.

Feedings and Exercises

If you have OLR feedings and exercises setup that do not have an option checked for MAE (Morning/Afternoon/Evening), you will get an error when clicking Add to Waitlist alerting you that you need to choose MAE before you can save the appointment.

You can edit your exercises and feeds to make sure at least one of MAE is chosen.

If you don't want to do this, you won't be able to use the Add to Waitlist button.  You'll need to open the appointment scroll to the bottom to choose the options, click the Add to Waitlist button and hit Save to add the appointment.

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